8 u*takable signs that an Aquarius woman is into you


Aquarius women are known for their independent nat*e, free-spiritedness, and unique personality traits. As an Aquarius woman, showing interest in someone can be a bit difficult, and it's not always easy to know whether or not an Aquarius woman is into you. In this article, we'll take a closer look at eight u*takable signs that an Aquarius woman is into you.

8 U*takable Signs an Aquarius Woman is Into You

She Talks to You About Her Passions

One of the first signs an Aquarius woman is into you is when she starts to talk to you about her passions. Aquarius women are known for their love of unconventional topics, and if she starts to open up to you about her interests, it's a good sign that she feels comfortable around you. So, if she's telling you about her latest book club pick, or the latest conspiracy theory she's been researching, take this as a sign that she likes you.

She Spends Time with You

Aquarius women value their independence, so if she's taking the time to be with you, it's a clear sign that she's into you. An Aquarius woman might invite you to attend a concert with her or go on a weekend road trip. Whatever the activity, if she's suggesting spending time together, it's a sign that she enjoys yo* company and wants to get to know you better.

She Takes an Interest in Yo* Life

When an Aquarius woman likes you, she'll take an interest in yo* life and what makes you tick. She'll ask you questions about yo* interests and hobbies and genuinely want to know more about you. It's a clear sign that she sees you as a potential romantic interest and is trying to get to know you on a deeper level.

She Shares Personal Details with You

Aquarius women are known for their private nat*e, so if she starts to reveal personal details about her life to you, it's a sign she trusts you. This level of trust is important to an Aquarius woman, and if she's sharing intimate details with you, it's a good sign that she's into you.

She's Willing to Try New Things with You

Aquarius women are advent*ous and open-minded, so if she's willing to try new things with you, it's a sign she's interested in you. Whether it's trying a new resta*ant, a new hiking trail, or a new type of music, if she's willing to broaden her horizons with you, it's a clear sign that she's into you.

She Flirts with You

One of the most obvious signs an Aquarius woman is into you is when she starts to flirt with you. Aquarius women can be a bit subtle in their flirting styles, so it's important to pay attention to her non-verbal cues. If she's laughing at yo* jokes, touching yo* arm, or giving you prolonged eye contact, she's definitely interested in you.

She Initiates Conversation

Aquarius women are not always the most talkative when it comes to *all talk, so if she's initiating conversation with you, it's a clear sign that she likes you. Whether it's texting you first or striking up a conversation in the break room, if she's taking the initiative to talk to you, it's a sign that she's into you.

She Values Yo* Opinion

Aquarius women are known for their independent streak, but if she's seeking out yo* opinion, it's a sign that she values yo* thoughts and opinions. She might ask you for advice on a work project or to weigh in on a personal issue. Whatever the topic, if she's seeking out yo* input, it's a clear sign that she likes you.


In conclusion, an Aquarius woman can be a bit enigmatic when it comes to expressing her feelings, but the signs are there if you know what to look for. By paying attention to her communication style, non-verbal cues, and how she spends her time with you, you can be more confident in fig*ing out if she's into you. So, if you're wondering whether an Aquarius woman likes you or not, keep an eye out for these eight u*takable signs.


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