

Tarot is a deck of 78 cards that originated in the mid-15th cent*y in E*ope. It is believed that Tarot cards were initially used for playing games like bridge or poker. However, with time, these cards became popular for divination and fortune-telling p*poses. A Tarot card reading involves a reader interpreting the meaning of the cards and answering questions or addressing issues based on the spread. In this article, we will discuss how you can test yo* Tarot skills through a free online Tarot test.

What is Tarot?

Tarot is a set of 78 cards, with each card having its unique symbol, which is interpreted differently by different Tarot readers. The deck is divided into two parts - the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards or trump cards, and the Minor Arcana consists of fo* suits - the Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles - each having 14 cards.

What is a Tarot Reading?

A Tarot reading is a means of divination where a Tarot reader interprets the meaning of a spread of cards. The cards are shuffled, and the reader selects a certain number of cards, which are then laid out in a particular pattern, also called spread. The spread is determined based on the question asked or the issue being addressed. Each card in a spread has a meaning, and the reader interprets the meaning of each card in the context of the question or issue. A Tarot reading can be done for yo*self or for someone else.

How to Test Yo* Tarot Skills?

Testing yo* Tarot skills can help you determine yo* level of competence in reading Tarot cards. It can also help you identify areas where you may need to improve. There are several ways to test yo* Tarot skills, including taking a free online Tarot test. Here are some steps to follow when taking a Tarot test:

Step 1: Find a reputable website that offers free Tarot tests.

Step 2: Read the instructions on how to take the test.

Step 3: Choose a deck that you are familiar with. Most Tarot tests offer a choice between decks.

Step 4: Focus on the question or issue being addressed. Tarot tests usually have a preset question or issue being addressed.

Step 5: Shuffle the cards and select the number of cards specified in the test instructions.

Step 6: Lay out the cards in the pattern specified in the test instructions.

Step 7: Interpret the meaning of each card in the context of the question or issue.

Step 8: Repeat the process several times to test yo* consistency in reading the cards.


In conclusion, Tarot is an ancient form of divination that has been used for cent*ies for fortune-telling p*poses. Tarot tests can help individuals test their Tarot skills and improve their knowledge of the cards. When taking a Tarot test, it is essential to follow the instructions provided, focus on the question or issue being addressed, and choose a deck that you are familiar with. With practice, you can hone yo* Tarot skills and become an expert Tarot reader.


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