

MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) is a personality asses*ent tool used all over the world. It is based on theories by renowned psychologists Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers. The MBTI asses*ent groups people into 16 different personality types based on fo* dichotomies (extraversion/introversion, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving). This article will explore the distribution of MBTI 16 personality types and their significance.

The 16 Personality Types

The 16 personality types are divided into fo* groups: *ysts, diplomats, sentinels, and explorers. Analysts are logical and strategic thinkers, diplomats are compassionate and imaginative, sentinels are practical and responsible, and explorers are energetic and spontaneous.

The Most Common Personality Types

Based on s*veys, the most common personality types are *FJ (13.8%), ESFJ (12.3%), *TJ (11.6%), and ESTJ (8.7%). These personality types are all in the sentinel group, which is known for their practicality and reliability. The high percentage of these types may indicate that society values traditional values and practicality.

The Rarest Personality Types

The rarest personality types are INFJ (1.5%), ENTJ (1.8%), ENFJ (2.5%), and INTJ (2.1%). These personality types are all in the diplomat or *yst group, which are known for their creativity and strategic thinking. It is interesting to note that these types are also some of the most successful in fields such as business and politics, which may indicate a correlation between certain personality types and success in specific fields.

The Significance of MBTI 16 Personality Types

While the MBTI asses*ent should not be used to make major life decisions or to label individuals, it can be a useful tool in understanding oneself and others. For example, knowing someone's personality type can provide insight into their communication style, work habits, and relationships. Additionally, understanding one's own personality type can lead to personal growth, as individuals can identify their strengths and weaknesses and strive for self-improvement.


In conclusion, the MBTI 16 personality types provide a framework for understanding different personality traits and tendencies. While certain types may be more common than others, all types have strengths and weaknesses that can be leveraged for personal growth and success. By using the MBTI asses*ent as a tool for self-awareness and understanding others, individuals can improve their communication skills, work habits, and relationships.


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